Facts & Frictions is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the free discussion of contemporary trends, research and debates in journalism and journalism pedagogy.
We invite your involvement.
Facts & Frictions is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the free discussion of contemporary trends, research and debates in journalism and journalism pedagogy.
We invite your involvement.
We seek future-facing scholarly articles of 5,500-7,000 words on journalism-related topics featuring innovations in research, theory, practice and teaching. We also welcome research notes, reviews and substantive works of journalism that focus on journalism, accepted in text or A/V formats. Conference papers and superior graduate student work will also be considered. We look forward to your submissions!
Are you interested in assisting with reviews? It’s a great way to keep on top of the latest work in journalism research and pedagogy, and to preview new books, films and other resources in need of reviews. It is also valuable for fulfilling faculty service requirements. Please send your c.v. and contact info to the editor.
F&F is published subscription-free on our widely-read and highly accessible platform, J-Source, and disseminated to a ready-made audience via the J-Source newsletter and social media networks. You can explore our journal here. To contribute a tax-deductible donation toward our journal’s accessible scholarship goal, please visit futurefunder.carleton.ca and seek out the J-Source Journalism Project.
Comité éditorial/Editorial Board: Patricia W. Elliott (editor-in-chief/l’éditrice en chef), Gene Allen, Nicole Blanchett, Brad Clark, Pascale Dangoisse, Amélie Daoust-Boisvert, Brooks Decillia, Paul Fontaine, Susan Harada, Archie Mclean, Gabriela Perdomo, Christopher Waddell (J-Source), Sally Haney (J-Schools Canada)